In December 2020, the City of San Antonio released its Strategic Plan to Respond to Homelessness in San Antonio and Bexar County. This document outlines key metrics to monitor our progress as a city and county, with the goal of meeting these criteria by the end of 2025. An additional group met to highlight five key areas to monitor quarterly. These metrics include:
This webpage will be updated quarterly to track our city and county’s progress
- Reduce unsheltered chronic homelessness by 25%
- Prevent and reduce family homelessness by 20%
- Improve coordination of youth and young adult homeless response system
- Improve coordination between domestic violence providers and homeless response system providers
This webpage will be updated quarterly to track our city and county’s progress
Strategic Plan Key Metrics
Reduce Unsheltered HomelessnessThe number of individuals enrolled in our local Coordinated Entry system, Homelink, documented as living or sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation.
Decrease RecidivismThe number of people who have re-entered the homeless response system after previously receiving a housing placement.
Increase Housing PlacementsThe number of people entering housing from both sheltered and unsheltered settings.
Increase Permanent Supportive Housing UnitsThe amount of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units to show our community's progress in building capacity.